Oldmans Township Header 40 Freed Rd, PO Box 416, Pedricktown, NJ 08067

Tax Collector and Tax Search Officer

Kathy Diorio, Tax Collector


Melinda Taylor, Assistant

First Monday and Wednesday of each month –  2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday and Thursday nights – 5:00 to 7:00 PM

NJ Tax Relief

3 Programs – 1 APPLICATION

Senior Freeze – ANCHOR – Stay NJ

Residents 65 or older or on Social Security Disability benefits have until October 31, 2025 to file the new PAS-1 form with the State to participate in all 3 of the Property Tax Relief programs.

File Online – Residents can verify their identity through ID.me and complete the application online.  Online filing is the only option for direct deposit. https://propertytaxreliefapp.nj.gov/

File Paper Application – It is expected by April 15, 2025 residents that had previously participated in the programs will receive the new Blue Book with the application and instructions.  This form no longer needs to be certified by Tax Collector and can be submitted directly to the State when it is complete.  If you do not receive a book, you can go online to download an application, or pick one up from the Tax Office.

The State will determine the maximum benefit for each resident and send a letter of eligibility with the specific benefits you qualify for by October 2025.  Residents that qualify for the Senior Freeze will not lose their base year unless the property has been reassessed.

Funding for these programs is subject to State budget appropriation.  Payments to residents that qualify for the Senior Freeze will start in July 2025, ANCHOR payments will begin in September 2025 and Stay NJ will begin in February 2026.

Additional information can be obtained by visiting www.nj.gov/treasury/taxation/relief.shtml

Pay your taxes online

(Click on the red above)

E-mail* reminders for quarterly tax payments are now available.  In order to sign up, please send an e-mail to Taxcollector@oldmanstownship.com and please include your own e-mail address in the body of the e-mail.


General Information for Taxpayers

Any questions concerning your assessments should be directed to the Tax Assessor.  The Collector is responsible for the billing and collection of taxes only.

Tax Payment Grace Period

Taxes are due quarterly (February, May, August and November).  An owner has until the 10th of the month to make payment.  Payments received after the 10-day grace period will be considered delinquent and subject to interest.  Payments requiring a receipt must be accompanied by the entire tax bill with a self-addressed postage paid envelope.  Otherwise, detach the appropriate stub and mail with your check, the canceled check will be your receipt.  Checks should be made payable to “Oldmans Township.”  Taxpayers can pay cash, check or money order.

Property Tax Reimbursement “Senior Freeze”*

The Property Tax Reimbursement Program reimburses eligible senior citizens and disabled persons for property tax increases.  The amount of the reimbursement is the difference between the amount of property taxes that were due and paid for the “base year” (the first year that you met all the eligibility requirements) and the amount due and paid for the current year for which you are applying for the reimbursement, provided the amount paid for the current year was greater.  You must meed all the eligibility requirements for the base year and for each succeeding year, up to and including the current year to qualify for the reimbursement.

If you are already enrolled in the Property Tax Reimbursement Program, you MUST continue to complete the application (PTR-2) every year in order to remain in the program.  Application booklets are mailed by the State in February to current participants.


Homestead Benefit*

To be eligible for the Homestead Benefit, you must be a New Jersey resident who owned and occupied a home in New Jersey that was your principal residence as of October 1st.  In addition, you must have had property taxes which were due and paid on the property and you must meet certain income limits.  For those homeowners that are eligible, you will receive your Homestead Benefit as a credit applied to your property tax bill.  Applications for those qualified for the program are mailed in the fall.

*Eligibility requirements, including income limits, and benefits available under these programs are subject to change by the State budget.


Tax Sales

Taxes are a charge against the property and not a personal debt.  In order to enforce collection of delinquent taxes, the Tax Collector must hold a Tax Sale each year.  At the sale, a lien is sold for the amount of delinquent taxes or other municipal charges, plus interest and Costs of Sale.  The sale is done by public auction.

Cost of Sale:  When advertising begins, additional fees are assessed for the cost of holding the sale, as well as advertising costs.  The minimum is $15.00, the maximum is $100.00, based on 2% of the total years tax and interest.  The costs are added to the lien.  Up to two mailings of notice may replace two publications, and a fee of $25.00 may be charged per mailing.  The mailings need not be certified.  These costs are also added to the lien.

Prior to the Tax Sale, a list of properties on the Sale is published in the South Jersey Times and a notice is sent to the property owner.  Once the list of property owners has been provided to South Jersey Times for publication, names cannot be removed.  The includes those who have remitted payment to the Tax Collectors Office after submittal of public notice, but prior to tax sale.  To be removed from the Sale, full payment of the amounts to go to Sale must be made prior to the date of the Sale.


New Jersey Tax Records Search

New Jersey Division of Taxation

Oldmans Township - 40 Freed Road - PO Box 416 - Pedricktown, NJ 08067

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