Oldmans Township Header 40 Freed Rd, PO Box 416, Pedricktown, NJ 08067


How do I contact the Board of Elections and/or the County Clerk’s Office?

Salem County Board of Elections
110 Fifth Street, Suite 1000
Salem, NJ 08079
856-935-7510 x8328, 8329, 8330 and 8331

Salem County Clerk’s Office
110 Fifth Street, Suite 200
Salem, NJ 08079
856-935-7510  x8454 or x8208


 Voter Registration

Forms may be picked up at the Municipal Building.  The Form may be used for the following purposes:

  • Never registered before, new registration
  • Name change
  • Address change
  • Signature Update
  • Political Party Affiliation or non-affiliation change

To register to vote, you must be:

  • A United States citizen
  • Will be 18 years of age by the next election
  • A resident of the county for 30 days before the election

Registration Deadline – 21 days prior to an election.  Your County Commissioner of Registration will notify you if your application is accepted.  If not accepted, you will be notified on how to complete and/or correct the application.



Frequently Asked Questions:

Must I declare a Party Affiliation when I register?

No, choosing a political party is optional, unless you wish to vote in either party’s primary election. Only party members may vote in the primary election.  If you are an unaffiliated voter voting in your first primary election, you must declare a party affiliation at the polls on primary election day.  You will remain a member of that political party until you notify the County Board of Elections office, in writing.  Voters are now allowed to return to unaffiliated status.

If I vote, do I have to register as a Democrat or a Republican?

That’s only true if you want to vote in either party’s primary. If you don’t vote in a primary however, you have no voice in deciding who will be on the ballot.

How many days before an election can I change my party affiliation?

You can change your party affiliation up to 55 days before a primary election and still vote in that primary election.

Can I declare my party affiliation at the polls?

You can declare your party affiliation at the polls when you go to vote in our first Primary Election. After that, you may change your party affiliation 55 days before a primary election.

If I move, how do I change my address?

Moving within Salem County: If you move within Salem County, you must file a written change of address.

If you move from one election district to another in the SAME town, or move from one town to another in Salem County before election day, and have not notified the County Board of Elections office in writing of this change before the deadline date, you must go to your new polling location in your new town or district and vote on a provisional ballot. Contact the County Board of Elections for your new polling location.

Moving from/to another County: If you have moved from another county more than 21 days before an election, you must re-register to vote in your new county.   If you have not re-registered, you cannot vote. If you have moved to another county or state less than 30 days before an election, you may vote in your previous polling location for that election only.

If you have not met the registration deadline, you have the right to appeal by appearing before a Superior Court Judge on the day of the election.  Contact the County Board of Elections for more information.

What if I marry or change my name?

If you legally change your name, you must complete a new voter registration form and mark the box “name change.” If you have not changed your name with the County Board of Elections prior to the deadline, you can still vote by filling out a provisional ballot, putting your previous and current name, and signing with your new name.

I would prefer to register to vote using my business address. Can I do that?

No, the law requires you to register to vote using the address of our domicile. Domicile is defined as where you physically reside.

My son/daughter moved onto his college campus and wants to vote there. Can he/she do that?

Yes. He/She should fill out a voter registration form for the new residence and notify the County Board of Elections.  If child wishes to remain registered at his/her permanent residence, such as your home, request a Vot by Mail ballot be sent to him.  The decision where to register and vote is up to the student, but can only register and vote in one place.

I own two homes, where do I register?

You must register from the place where you actually reside. The words “actually reside” mean the voter is entitled to vote only from an address where they physically live, the place you intend to return to whenever you are away from it.

I applied for a Vote by Mail Ballot but never received it, what do I do?

1. Prior to election, you can contact the County Board of Elections for information regarding its status.

2. On the day of election, you can go to your polling place and if your name is marked “Vote by Mail Ballot,” you must vote on a provisional ballot. If your name is not marked, you may vote in the machine.

What do I do if I receive a sample ballot at my home, for someone who no longer lives here?

These ballots should be returned to the County Board of Elections with a brief note such as “return to sender” or “person has moved.” Such returned ballots include previous home owners and family members who no longer reside at that address.  A returned sample ballot alerts the County that the person no longer lives at that address, prompting an investigation as to where that voter resides.

My name was tagged/missing from the poll book. What do I do?

If your name was tagged with “Affirmation of Residence,” this means we received your sample ballot back as undeliverable. If you reside at the same address from where you are registered, you must first complete an Affirmation of Residence Form.  You may then vote at the machine.  If your name was missing, you have the right to vote on a provisional ballot only.

How can I get a Vote by Mail ballot on Election Day?

Vote by Mail ballots are available on Election Day, under emergency circumstances. Usually, if a voter becomes ill on Election Day or the night before, an authorized messenger can obtain a Vote by Mail Ballot by court order.

How can I get a Vote by Mail ballot?

You must apply to the County Clerk at any time no less than 7 days prior to the election if you desire to vote by mail. If you fail to apply in writing for a Vote by Mail Ballot within the 7 day time period, you may apply in person or by authorized messenger for sick or confined voter, only to the County Clerk on any day up to 3:00 pm the day before the election.

When must I send my Vote by Mail ballot in?

Your Vote by Mail ballot must be RECEIVED by the County Board of Elections no later than 8 pm on Election Day.

Can my Vote by Mail ballot be postmarked on Election Day?

Vote by Mail ballots must be RECEIVED by the County Board of Elections by 8 pm on Election Day.

I received a Vote by Mail ballot and my trip was canceled-what do I do now?

You may NOT vote at the polls if you received a Vote by Mail ballot, unless the circumstances have changed, which given that circumstances, may allow the voter to vote by provisional ballot on Election Day.

I just broke my leg, was admitted to the hospital, had a baby, etc. and can’t get to the polls. How can I vote?

If you become sick or confined on Election Day, an authorized messenger, either a family member or registered voter of the county, must get a court order to obtain a Vote by Mail ballot from the County Clerk.  The authorized messenger should bring to court a completed Vote by Mail ballot application.  The authorized messenger shall be a family member or a registered voter of the county in which the application is made and shall place his signature on the application in the space provided in the presence of the County Clerk or his designee.  This can be obtained from the County Clerk.  If a ballot is issued for you, please remember that the completed ballot must be delivered to the County Board of Elections before 8 pm on Election Day or it will not be counted.

Do only registered voters serve on juries?

That used to be true, but today any licensed driver over the age of 18 can also be called for jury duty.

Any questions? Visit www.NJelections.org or call toll-free 1-877-NJVOTER (1-877-658-6837)


Voting Locations for Oldmans Township

  DISTRICTS 1 & 2 Municipal Bldg.
40 Freed Road

Mail-In Ballot

In New Jersey, any voter may vote via Mail-in Ballot for any election.  You do not need to state a reason for a Mail-in Ballot.  A completed Mail-in Ballot may be sent to the Salem County Clerk’s Office up to 7 days prior to the election by mail or delivered in person at the Salem County Clerk’s Office until 3:00 p.m. the day before the election.  The County Clerk’s Office cannot accept faxed copies of a Mail-in Ballot since the original signature is required.


Commissioner of Registration:
110 Fifth Street, Suite 1000
Salem, NJ 08079-9856
856-935-7510 ext. 8331
(FAX) 856-935-6725

Board of Election
110 Fifth Street
Suite 1000
Salem, NJ 08079
856-935-7510 ext. 8330
(FAX) 856-935-6725
Board of Elections Website

Local Candidate Petitions

The Township Clerk certifies the Democratic and Republican Candidates Nominating Petitions for the June Primary Election.  The Petition filing deadline is 64 days prior to the Primary Election.  Upon certifying these petitions to the Salem County Clerk’s Office, the Candidates are placed on the ballot for the Primary.  The Petitions are available in the Township Clerk’s Office fore review during normal business hours.

Independent Candidate for Municipal Office

  • Name does not appear on Primary Ballot
  • Name appears on the General Election Ballot in November
  • Filing Petition – Petition must be filed with the County Clerk by 4:00 p.m. on Primary Election Day
  • Signatures Required – Two percent (2.0%) of the total votes cast by all voters in the last preceding general election at which a member of the General Assembly was elected but no more than one hundred (100).
  • Slogan – may not exceed three (3) words and may not contain reference to a political party

Oldmans Township - 40 Freed Road - PO Box 416 - Pedricktown, NJ 08067

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